17 July 2009

Death becomes her

A film about the shallow depths of the Hollywood fickle, about vanity, about one-up-manship, revenge, about the distances we will go to, to stay young and beautiful, OR a film about a fit woman with an extra hole and another fit woman who brings 'bendy' to another level.
I think rather than be put off by the lengths these women go to, people should be inspired, imagine the possibilities; Vaginas surgically enhanced into the sides of breasts... Tits on your knees. Imagine how many more people you could involve in a sexy time!
Also Bruce Willis is in it, apres Die Hard, which means it's good. Bruce Willis actually funded this production himself from the money he accumulated from his 'Journey to the centre of the earth' tours... that's a !FACT!
On a final note, I think the film promotes wife beating... yeah I think it probably does... because Bruce pushes his wife down the stairs and both improves her flexibility AND gets another woman interested in him as a result. I've not tried it myself yet but I definitely will, films are like real life and Bruce Willis is no liar, I'd know, I can read him like a book, well, I read his autobiography.. "Dying to get Hard.. Getting on a bit now!".. that's a book about him.


  1. God I remember this film! We were hanging with the cool pre-ops of Haight Ashbury when word got round about this rad flick in which Death lets his scythe slip, resulting in....Deathany! Fuck we were disappointed, but it wouldn't be the last time - AvP anyone? Boy was I given duff info, Ass versus Penis? I don't think so.

  2. Ass versus Penis.. 'Whoever wins everyone loses' :(
